ASTRA GLOW Cocktail is a face illuminating solution with powerful antioxidant and ant melanogenic effects. This formula contains antioxidant and rejuvenating extracts to unify and even the skin tone. It acts before, during and after melanogenesis since it inhibits the synthesis of melanin and increases its degradation. ASTRA GLOW Cocktail protects skin against UV rays and it also has anti-ageing effects. It inhibits melanin synthesis by interrupting the ability of L-Dopa to join Tyrosinase. ASTRA GLOW Cocktail also slows the oxidative process in its conversion to eumelanin, neutralizes free radicals and protects against UV radiation. As a complementary effect, ASTRA GLOW Cocktail protects the skin against UV radiation. It also has anti-ageing action since it shields collagen and elastin from their degradation.
- Melasmas
- Dull and sagging skin
- Hyperpigmentation
Glutathione, Folic Acid, Superoxide Dismutase, Halidrys Siliquosa Extract, Pueraria Lobata Symbiosome Extract.Glutathione, Folic Acid, Superoxide Dismutase, Halidrys Siliquosa Extract, Pueraria Lobata Symbiosome Extract.
10 ml x 5 Vial